France: help build a medieval castle at Guedelon

Did you know you can help build a medieval castle from the 13th century? it is crazy to think it is possible in the 21st century, and that is in the heart of France, more precisely in Guédelon in French Burgundy. The castle is being built with natural materials, just like back in the days. Definitely check out their website!

If you can’t help out on this marvelous project, you can contribute to it by visiting it, just like I did back in 2011. The project started in 1997 on an abandoned quarry, and the construction is expected to complete in 2023, so hurry up and visit the Bourgogne area! it must now be much more advanced!

Build a medieval castle? check out my pictures below:

See my other posts on France

Categories: Europe, France, HistoryTags: , , , , , , , , ,


  1. Magnifiques photos en noir et blanc !

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